Hire a Professional Professor for Your Coursework

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We understand how important your coursework is, and how overwhelming it can be to balance multiple assignments, especially with looming deadlines. That’s why we’ve made it easy for you to get expert help from professional writers with advanced degrees in various academic fields. Whether you need a custom essay, research paper, or a full dissertation, EssayPro Tutors has got you covered.

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Approximate price: $22

20 k Happy customers
9.8 out of 10 satisfaction rate
73 Professors active
Basic features
  • Free title page and bibliography
  • Unlimited revisions
  • Built-in plagiarism & AI checker
  • Money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 support
On-demand options
  • Professor’s samples
  • Part-by-part delivery
  • Overnight delivery
  • Copies of used sources
  • Expert Proofreading
  • 2-hour delivery
Paper format
  • 275 words per page
  • 12 pt Arial/Times New Roman
  • Double line spacing
  • Any citation style (APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard)

Affordable prices


$15 page


$18 page


$20 page

We, at EssayPro Tutors, know that you need to save as much money as you can so that you can party, go on a road trip, buy or rent movies, grab some late-night pizza, buy video games, rent textbooks on Vital Source Bookshelf, and cater for room and board expenses. All these are essentials in the life of a student. Therefore, we charge a small fee but for an A-PLUS essay, term paper, or dissertation. So, we help you spare your money as well as allow much time for fun and other great stuff out there. On top of that, we give incredible discounts unconditionally so that you can still move on with life during difficult times. Just speak yourself out to our friendly support staff and professors, and they will always have something good for you. For isntance, we have a 30% discount to all clients for all orders! Isn't that cool?

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Our guarantees

We value our customers and so we ensure that what we do is 100% original..
Getting into any engagement is not as simple as it sounds, especially when done remotely. Thus, you as our client need solid assurances that your expectations will be met and exceeded. Taking this into consideration, we are very serious when it comes to honoring our end of the bargain. On this page, we have clearly stipulated our assurances to clear any anxiety, doubts, or uncertainties that you may have. We are sure that after reading the below short guarantee highlights, you will be entirely confident that your needs will be exceeded!

Money-back guarantee

Our money-back guarantee assures you of the safety of your money. Several reasons may make you want to get a refund, and we have the best refund system since it works INSTANTLY! Yes, I said instantly! Many of our competitors place complex processes for you to get a refund. Some websites make you wait for 14 days! For what? We know that you obviously have other uses for the money; that is why we refund on the spot. Here at Employed Professors, we simply look into the issue and press a button, and your money is back. No waiting! No back and forth!

Zero-plagiarism guarantee

Being the worst academic offense that is severely punished by all institutions, plagiarism is a NO at Employed Professors! In fact, we are always ready with evidence that your paper is plagiarism-free.

Our elite algorithm for detecting plagiarism is updated regularly, as our developers work 24/7 to make sure that it captures even the slightest instance. We provide a plagiarism report FREE OF CHARGE so that you are confident when submitting your paper to that stickler professor or TA. This way, we ensure that you will never get expelled for this heinous act!

Free-revision policy

Sometimes, for absolutely no reason, your TA or professor might require you to make some changes to your paper. Other times, further customization can be needed as you deem fit; of course, you are the king, and you command, and we obey! As such, if you feel that a specific aspect has not been captured as you like, you can always send the paper back for revision, and this is also FREE OF CHARGE! All you need to clearly state are the new guidelines that you want our professor to use to accomplish your desired objective in the way that you want it.

Privacy policy

Our clients' confidentiality is our priority; this is a fact that is undeniable in our company. We CANNOT give out the data/information that we request from you even at GUNPOINT! This is how far we can go to protect your identity. Furthermore, our databases are regularly services and secured with an impenetrable security system. Over the years that we have been in this essential industry, we have never had a data breach, thanks to our top-notch technical department that ensure the confidentiality of your information. A detailed summary of our privacy policy is as below:

24/7 and on-the-spot-response system

Unlike our competitors who will make you wait even 30 minutes to respond to your inquiries, order messages, and support help, we have developed a seamless communication system that notifies our always-standby support personnel to respond to you. Furthermore, we have given our professors access to this high-tech system so that they can respond promptly to ensure that no time is wasted. Remember, this business' most valuable element is time, and delays are usually catastrophic. The last thing we would imagine is you having to lose points for lateness. Thus, we ensure that prompt communication is ever-present, without failure!

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Affordable essay writing service

Before we came together to change the essay-writing industry from cheap Indian writers to globally-vetted professors, we had to agree on one important thing- affordability of our services. Honestly, why pay a non-English native speaker a ridiculous price to do your term paper, while a credible professor is available to provide an A-level term paper for way less money?

Our goal here was to level the playing field so that no student is left unattended simply because they cannot afford to get premium help with their classwork. Our prices are student friendly and you can even negotiate with your professor depending on your convincing skills. Every student can afford it! Do not get stuck with that complex geography paper or chemistry calculations! Some genius here can handle that in no time at a "student price"

Our inexpensive graduate writing service provides high-quality essays

Being nervous about the quality of service we provide is absolutely normal at first. However, we strive to ensure that you are fully at ease when you are placing your order and as our professors are working on it! First, we provide you with a sample paper that one of our professors has completed recently. Next, we ensure that our editors read your essay word for word before it is sent to you. Finally, there are super strict regulations regarding quality in our company and a professor cannot dare flop because they know the consequences are unbearable. However, this hardly happens since our geniuses pass through rigorous tests before we hire them. Anything below 100% is unacceptable! See? The quality you desire is GUARANTEED!.


We know that it is not easy to trust! I mean, why should it be easy when some bucks are involved? So, we have decided to make this easy for you by giving you a chance to see what we can do by discounting 30% off your orders! We know that you will be awed by our expertise and you will spread the word and come back for more. Take this opportunity fast; it will not last long!

Plagiarism-free affordable papers

Being the worst academic offense that is severely punished by all institutions, plagiarism is a NO at Get Wow Essays! In fact, we are always ready with evidence that your paper is plagiarism-free.

Our elite algorithm for detecting plagiarism is updated regularly, as our developers work 24/7 to make sure that it captures even the slightest instance. We provide a plagiarism report FREE OF CHARGE so that you are confident when submitting your paper to that stickler professor or TA. This way, we ensure that you will never get expelled for this heinous act!

Money-back guarantee

Our money-back guarantee assures you of the safety of your money. Several reasons may make you want to get a refund, and we have the best refund system since it works INSTANTLY! Yes, I said instantly! Many of our competitors place complex processes for you to get a refund. Some websites make you wait for 14 days! For what? We know that you obviously have other uses for the money; that is why we refund on the spot. Here at Get Wow Essays, we simply look into the issue and press a button, and your money is back. No waiting! No back and forth!

Timely Delivery

Due to the expertise possessed by our professors, we only take 10-30% of the time you allow. We leave remaining time for you to review the work before submission. This is so that you can tweak it as you deem fit.

Our professors are real-life instructors in various top-level universities worldwide and even in the classes that they teach, they cannot allow late submissions. It thus goes without say that when you entrust your paper to them, they will take the least time possible with it. They know that you will lose points for lateness and that is the last thing that they would wish to happen.

24/7 support

We provide affordable writing services for students around the world. That’s why we work without a break to help you at any time, wherever you are located. Contact us on [email protected] or call us on +1 for affordable writing assistance.

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